“Serenata Latina” Bonus EP Released on Deutsche Grammophon
On July 2, Rolando Villazon and Xavier de Maistre release a bonus EP to Serenata Latina on Deutsche Grammophon. Originally released on DG in 2020, Serenata Latina features a program of intimate arrangements of Latin American songs for tenor and harp that Rolando calls, “a collection of beautiful traditional folk and art songs from Latin America, a collection of poetry and music of my big homeland.” Building on this, the EP features additional works by Violeta Parra, Alberto Ginastera, Pedro Elías Gutiérrez, and Ernesto Lecuona.
Also on July 2, Rolando and de Maistre take the stage to perform selections from Serenata Latina on Deutsche Grammophon’s streaming platform, DG stage. Click here for tickets to the stream, or here to buy the EP on July 2.